Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ground Control to Major Tom

So this post really isn't about David Bowie. But as crazy as things have been in the last week, as they are likely to be until move-out day on Friday, the countdown seems especially appropriate (even if it really isn't in the grand scheme of things).

As I write this post, I am sitting in a laundromat, glancing up at the dryers every thirty seconds like the crazy person I have surely become. Just outside the front door of the facility is a fancy silver sports car with a Batman plate on the front. I can't help but think of seeing the new movie just two days ago, and, by extension, the tragedy in Colorado that took place the same day. A young couple sits two tables down from me, the boy reading Catching Fire while his girlfriend fiddles with her phone beside him. Others come in and out, carrying a helluvah lot less laundry than I did nearly an hour ago.

My basement-dwelling roomies discovered what they think is a pretty mild case of bed bugs this morning, and though I personally do not live in the basement and use a mattress cover, I wanted needed to take precautionary measures.

It's not really fun to have to deal with stuff like this. And though Emma told me that, if it absolutely had to happen, she's glad it happened so close to us getting out of that blasted house, I was still nervous and frustrated that it had to happen at all. I just don't handle stress well. I couldn't think straight when my mom called earlier; I felt especially bad about it because I haven't had the chance to talk to her in a week.

And so now I've found myself at the laundromat with twenty dollars-worth of quarters in my pocket (long story short: I should have gotten change from the twenty, first). The HG fan and his girlfriend have since left, interestingly enough, in the sportscar/Batmobile. All of my clothes are now in dryers. I feel gross from having worked and then battled the heat to bring my stuff across town. In my haste, I didn't quite understand that 25 cents equals 9 minutes of dryer time, and thus more quarters meant more time. Along with saving time and money, I could have also saved dryer space.

And then there's everything else. Moving, of course. The job search I've put on hold, briefly, so I can move without completely losing my head. And then there is the continued news from Colorado. What a terrible thing to have happened. It breaks my heart to know that things like this actually do happen. People actually set out to hurt others. Why, I don't know. But I'm praying for the victims and their families.

Also, I haven't eaten dinner yet. This is Major Tom.