Monday, September 19, 2011

Glee Season 3 Wishlist

So, Glee starts back up tomorrow. Hooray! I was going to do a normal post on this (i.e. with regular paragraphs and some sort of overall flow), but realized there was just too much I wanted to say about a LOT of different things, so I opted instead for bullet points.

So yeah. Here is a collection of thoughts regarding Glee's upcoming third season. Plus a few other related things--some of which I'm merely wishing for.

The Song Wishlist (Or, Songs I Wish They'd Do At Some Point. Please. Because, seriously.)

  • "Don't Speak" by No Doubt. I have mixed feelings about this one; it is one of my all-time favorites, and I think it could be done so very well on the show (and, if it fits with what they want to do with the plot/characters, it could be really powerful). I don't know who I'd want to sing it. I don't know how I'd feel about someone other than Gwen Stefani singing it. But I'm hoping. 
  • "Ordinary World" by Duran Duran. Though I really want them to do this particular song, I'd be okay with anything from Duran Duran. And wasn't it Kurt who suggested "Rio" at one point? 
  • "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)" by Eurythmics. I only have one request with this: either Tina or Kurt (OR BOTH) should be the one to sing it. Either them or the GP's Samuel as his character. 
  • "Uncharted" by Sara Bareilles. They haven't done anything of hers yet on the show, and I'd really be interested to see how they pull it off. Plus, it's an inspirational masterpiece. 
  • "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap. I don't think ANY remake of this one will ever live up to the original...but I think Glee could produce a decent--an interesting--take on it. 
  • Any song by The Beach Boys. I want to see the Glee guys in five-part harmony. Stat. 
  • "Wonderwall" by Oasis. (Related: More '80s and '90s music in general. Like much of Season 1. You know?)
  • Anything by the Goo Goo Dolls. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease. With a cherry on top.
There are more, but I'm truly more interested to see what they choose and how it relates to the story. After all, the heart of the show lies within the story. The music just enhances it.

Everything Else

I know that there have been a lot of rumors and spoilers that have been floating around (most of which I am aware) but I am going to try not to address them because we will find out soon enough whether they're true or not. The following, therefore, is a list of things I hope they'll at least address based off of my thoughts concerns the previous two seasons....especially Season 2. If any spoilers appear below, I will let you know.

  • If Crazy Mr. Schue--you know, the one that was present for the first third of Season 2--reappears with more crazy, I will seriously slushie my television. It is such an exaggeration of his character. It didn't feel right to me. Honestly, I have gotten to point in which I'm not that interested in what's happening with him BECAUSE of his stint on said Crazy Train.
  • More voiceovers, because I felt that Season 2 didn't have it enough--and I adore the voiceovers. Specifically: Blaine, Mercedes, Artie, and Brittany. Also? Please more flashbacks. My feelings are almost identical. 
  • Quinn needs another strong (or stable, at least) storyline. She felt all over the place in s2, bouncing from football player to football player, angry only over prom (or SEEMINGLY, anyway). 
  • Mercedes. Needs. Storylines. Good ones that go beyond the mostly positive storyline she had in 1x16, "Home." In my opinion, she was unfairly forgotten in Season 2 (though there were a few nice moments she was able to claim her own, "few" being the key word, here). 
  • Lauren Zizes needs to stick around. She's too brilliant of a character to get rid of entirely. Please, Glee writers, keep her in any way you can.
  • (Slight) Spoiler #1: I'm super, super stoked that they're focusing more on character development and story in Season 3. I think Season 2 struggled with this here and there throughout--though once they'd found a plot trajectory, they really pulled out all the stops and rocked it. One thing I really appreciate more and more about the finale of s2 is the hanging question/realization of graduation. I  cannot wait to see this played out; there is so much possibility suggested with the episode's musings on the future for the writers to explore. 
  • Slight Spoiler #2: I want the GP winners' roles to be worth it. I have a feeling that Damian's is going to rule (SOOOOO EXCITED TO SEE HIM ON THE SHOW). I am curious as to Samuel's role; I'm still not sure how I feel about him, but I'm really intrigued to see what the writers do, and most especially because of my current feelings concerning him. I hope that Alex's and Lindsay's roles are good as well. While I'm not the greatest fan of Lindsay, I do hope that she does well. As for Alex, I'm just so happy he will be able to have a role, however small it it (and I'm interested to see if it involves drag). He is such and incredible performer. 
  • Please no crazy antics/side plots like premature promise rings and inappropriate/uncomfortable encounters in the library (see most of Jacob's purpose for being in "Britney/Brittany") and getting married in Vegas on a whim. *headdesk* We've dealt with the terrible twos, so let's move on to bigger, better, and more believable sub-plots. And in the process, we'll hopefully avoid any train wrecks like that of 2x9 "Special Education."
  • I'm really excited to see what happens with Santana and Karofsky this season. I am also very interested in the possibility of Blaine dealing with being a part of a glee club other than the Warblers (and whatever "complications" may ensue).
  • More "Fondue for Two." Especially since we've lost our chance for any more Sam impersonations (I pine, Reality. I pine for those impersonations.)
There will always be more. But now, sleep.  

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