Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Worse Poetry

I never remembered that there was a short-lived literary magazine* at my high school. But, low and behold, when I went upstairs to my room to head to bed late last night, I started poking around a little bit (one of my projects for the summer/fall is doing a massive cleaning up there and getting rid of everything I don't need). On top of a pile of boxes was a booklet stapled together with a blue cover, entitled "Paint Me As I Am." 

I didn't know what it was at first. I thought it was something left over from my sister's years at the jr./sr. high, but when I saw the worn post-it note on the cover with my name on it and my fourth and fifth hour classes from Spring 2003 listed, I became exceptionally curious. 

Some of the entries are anonymous, some chose to keep their names attached to their work. Two of my poems were chosen to be included in the journal. And they're awful. So deliciously awful, in fact, that I wanted to share. 


A Garden 

A bench
Set in a grove 
Flowers blossoming all around
All under a willow tree 
With low flowing branches
That grab you with love and wonder
Beside the gently babbling brook
Water softly engulfing pebbles 
With every breath it takes
Around the pebbles swim
Tiny fish
Frolicking within the 
Great expanse of what they call home
Birds sing gaily in the trees
Singing the bird song
Telling of a Garden
Nature's Garden

And, of course, the quintessential angsty high school poem, complete with subtle title, no? 

Leave me be

it's not all good
don't care what you say
so mad
life hates me
shut up and listen for once 
be happy
you're one of the lucky ones 
you probably have a life
that's all milk and honey
well you know what
i have no happy life
cause I'm not like you
don't even go there
 nor start your
foolish hypocrisy
cause it's not all good
don't laugh
not funny
don't you see
it's not all good
leave me be

One thing to understand--something that I have to keep reminding myself of--is that these poems were written when I was freshman in high school. Other than that, I'll let them speak for themselves. Happy Wednesday. :)

*If I remember correctly. I don't remember it lasting much longer than one semester because it might have been a class that put it together--but it's been about 9 years and the details have since escaped me. 

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