Saturday, September 29, 2012

Transitioning: Yay/Nay for Glee 4x03, "Makeover"

Blaine is doing a Rachel. It's fitting, since he was deemed as the New Rachel by Artie two episodes ago. He's decided to join all the clubs and do all the things, but instead of it being for yearbook-related reasons like we saw with Rachel's quest for photographic 'immortality' in season 1, he's trying to keep himself busy and distracted from his loneliness. Everything he does, as he realizes by the time he's secured the student council presidency, is for Kurt, who isn't there to experience it with him.

Kurt, finally, has gotten something he's worked hard for: the internship at And he's amazing at it (which we all knew beforehand, but Isabelle is discovering). He's come to the right place. Burt and Blaine knew it all along.

Meanwhile, Rachel's still molding her new self, step by step. First, it was attitude. Then, it was confidence (her attempts at being sexy, followed by the inevitable marking out of Finn's name). Now, it's her outward appearance. Like he did before, Kurt leads the makeover, which is successful. Gone are the days of the reindeer sweater. Rachel admits to liking her new self. Everyone rejoices.

Brody's right in that Rachel's makeover is from the inside out. He's definitely a voice of reason for the New York Rachel.

Brittany's still looking for her groove. Sam might be, too, though I'm not sure what exactly he's looking for.

There seems to be a pattern.

I totally agree with Leaky News that this is a transitional/set-up episode. (And from what I've heard about 4x04, it's going to be full of Big Stuff*, so it's good there's a lot of set up this week.) It's a solid episode, even without a lot of emotional upheavals or complications. Also, can we talk about how awesome the music is this season?!

Quick links of interest for this episode:

With that, on to the Yay/Nay.

Yay: The look Blaine gives the two superhero sidekicks who are battling one another. So perfect.

Yay: How is it that we've gone this long without a Blaine voiceover?! Paired with an amazing version of one of my favorite '80s songs...PERFECTION. *cries happy tears*

Yay: Kurt and Blaine sharing popcorn through Skype. It was cute and probably one of the most ingenious surprises this episode.

Yay: I AM SO HAPPY THAT KURT GOT THE INTERNSHIP. My heart swelled a bit. No joke. I'm also really interested in his answer for the "Where do you see yourself in 5 years" question.... Isabelle's very right in encouraging Kurt as a dreamer.

Yay: I really missed Brittany and Artie interacting. I couldn't stop laughing about the robot thing.

Nay: The Schuest-ometer was high this week. Mr. Schue, as always, was all over the place. I think I might have done a fist pump when Jake brought up the fact they should be preparing for Sectionals. Why doesn't he actually let the students put something together since he's run out of ideas?

Yay: Everyone's reactions to Blaine's claim that the election wasn't a popularity contest. If what he said was true, then Kurt would have won last year. OF COURSE IT'S A POPULARITY CONTEST. It's high school, for crying out loud. (Is this a Dalton-esque mentality?) As much as I wish he was right...

Nay(ish)?: Sam and Brittany's budding friendship. I like it, but I don't quite get it that weird?

Yay: Have I mentioned how much I love Sam's impressions?

Yay: Brittany knows what she's doing. And Artie is totally right about her.

Yay: "Celebrity Skin" was AWESOME.

Yay: I really like Isabelle. What a difference from Cassandra, though. (This is a good thing.)

Yay: Stoner Brett needs to be in ND for the sole reason of his awesomeness.

Yay: Hummelberry breaking into various New York establishments for good reasons (and doing it the in-the-middle-of-the-night college way). The video they made with Isabelle was lovely.

Yay: All of the character stuff for Blaine and set up for the inevitable angst between him and Kurt. Holy canoli. My heart hurt for both the entire episode. The second time we see Kurt and Blaine skype is heart-wrenching but so well-handled.

Yay: The Rachel/Brody NY montage. Brody is still honorable this week. And I love that he admitted to being a fan of Ace of Base (me too!).

Yay: I really like how the Skype chats are functioning thus far. It's a nice tie between Ohio and everywhere else. On a grander scale, the more I see the balance between the Lima and New York settings, the more I like it. It's still working for me (and it reminds me of the way Dalton was handled back in season 2). We'll see how things go as the season progresses.

Nay: Are we ever going to see Tina this season? All we've had is the short-lived Snotty Version, and that was two episodes ago.

Yay: The debate was the funniest sequence in the entire episode. It was the perfect combination of Sue, Artie, Brittany, Sam, Blaine, and Stoner Brett that sealed it for me. This also goes for the bit where Becky is not in the mood for a xylophone flourish.

Yay: Blaine: "...Telling anyone what they can or cannot put into their hair is disgusting. It's the first step towards tyranny, my friends. Next thing you know, they'll start burning books. And then they'll probably start burning people, too." Brittany: "That's a lie." BEST.

Yay: I love that Rachel wanted to cook for Brody, and I LOVED the stories they share over dinner.

Interesting: Even with all the reinvention, Rachel is still trying to keep "[her] machine well-oiled" and her performance on form. Immediate flashback to her morning routine in season one...Also interesting to note is that Brody does the same thing.

Yay: The Blaine/Sam friendship could be interesting.

Finn arrives just as the episode is closing, the signal that the dreaded 4x04 is upon us. And so it begins.

*I'm going to be very thankful when 4x04 airs, because I feel the stress about it is starting to wear on my poor heart. Sigh.

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