Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Yay/Nay for Glee 02x18, “Born This Way”

As you can see, there aren't many nays this week, because "Born This Way" was EXCELLENT. The story was spot-on perfect and there was a lot of strong character development, something I really latch on to. (And they're so good with character stuff; I'm in awe much of the time I watch an episode.) I found it comparable to "Laryngitis" from Season 1 (and just as good, too). I think this one is my favorite of Season 2 thus far, and my giddiness has not quite faded...

On to the Yay/Nay. Heads up: spoilers abound. 

Yay: Santana’s voice-over—or basically ANYTHING she says in this episode. Yes, she is a “judgmental bitch”—but she’s also hilarious. One of my favorite bits from this week: “…She’s so gullible I could convince her that by royal decree, I’d made her being with me the law of the land.”

Yay: I die every time Sam does an impersonation. He needs more of them. Stat.

Nay: We still don’t know much about Sam, and I didn’t like the fact that we didn’t hear much from him this week. (Though by the looks of the promo for next week, we’ll get to see more of him. I hope. I'm tired of not knowing what his deal is.)

Yay: The White T-shirts. Such a bold idea: sporting your biggest insecurity with pride, for everyone to see, and in turn, taking hold of it and embracing it. It seems like an easy thing to do at first, but accepting ourselves is so hard to do. It would take every ounce of courage to sport them because we are our own worst critics. Self-acceptance is hard to achieve, and this lesson really tackles that head on. Beautifully done, Glee.

Yay: “Unpretty/I Feel Pretty”. First, it’s a PERFECT song choice. Second, this scene is beautiful. It is so emotionally charged and bittersweet. There’s Quinn on one end, confident in her looks (and a little conceited about it). Rachel is on the other side, wishing to step over to the other side, because not only will she “become beautiful,” she will also acquire the kinds of things Quinn possesses. In short, there’s a reason Rachel specifically wants Quinn’s nose. This tendency to compare oneself to others is not uncommon; I remember the girls that I wanted to be as I went through junior high and high school, and I know I’m not the only one secretly wishing to have those kinds of clothes, or that particular hair color/cut, or have that certain look about them. By achieving any of these things, perhaps someone will notice and admire you, too. This storyline was very strong, and I’m glad they included it, because it’s important to address.

Yay: Santana’s conversation with Dave. There are so many awesome things about this scene.

Yay: Finn and Mike dancing.

Yay: I love whenever Mr. Schue is Real Mr. Schue and not Crazy Out-Of-His-Mind Mr. Schue. This was a great week for him.

Yay: The meeting between Burt, Kurt, Dave and his father, Principal Figgins, and Mr. Schue. Burt once again gets the Kick-Ass Dad Award (and Dave’s dad gets cool points for being understanding). Also, I adore the exchange between Kurt and Dave. Hell yes. Awesome.

Yay (times a BILLION): Kurt is back at McKinley!!!!!!!!!! Whoop whoop! does happy dance

Yay: “Somewhere Only We Know”. Beautiful song, beautiful cover, and a lump in my throat that hasn’t yet gone away. Also, seeing Kurt and Blaine together, sharing looks and holding hands and general cuteness and care for one another… I’m just so happy they’re together. LOVE.

Nay: Not a lot of Blaine this week, but I understand why. There were a lot of important things to get to this episode. 

Yay: Kurt singing “As If We Never Said Goodbye”. He nails it, and I got chills, and I am amazed and awed. This is one reason why Kurt is so awesome. So much emotion, so much power…. It’s the perfect song at the perfect moment. And the way it's filmed....

Yay: The Lucy Caboosy storyline. Quinn is a bitch, no denying it—but she’s also 3-dimensional, and I LOVED that they included this storyline. Powerful stuff. 

Yay: “Why did you bring me here? Is there a sale at Claire’s?” And later: -“Is she here?” –“No. This is a mall in Ohio.” LOL

Yay: Kurt and Puck’s Barbravention for Rachel. AWESOME.

Yay: Brittany mistaking “Lebanese” for the correct spelling of lesbian and her speech to Santana; and later at the end of the episode, when we see Santana wearing the Lebanese shirt, watching the others perform. Well done. Well done indeed.

Yay: “Born This Way”. Chills. Happiness. A fine example of the breathless, beautiful, shining moments we look forward to on Glee. It successfully pulled together all the empowerment and emotion and issues into one kick-ass performance. I love this part so much. Elegant and stately. Gaga would be proud.  

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