Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Growing Up With Harry Potter"

The Leaky Cauldron has posted a link to a clip from the Ultimate Edition of Deathly Hallows Part 1.

And it is beautiful. The realization of both how much they've all grown and how long it has been--ten years, or just over--is overwhelming. It's fascinating seeing the three of them talking about that first press conference juxtaposed with clips from the actual press conference. (And they're all so adorable! I couldn't stop giggling over Rupert Grint's response to the question about spending money.)

This part of the "Creating the World of Harry Potter" is going to be amazing. I can't wait. <3

(Slightly related: I'm still waiting for my Pottermore Welcome email. I have a feeling I won't actually get it until right before the start of October....Alisha's been on for about a week, and I have to restrain myself from asking her question after question about it. I'm so excited for it, though. Amazing.)

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