Friday, September 16, 2011

Hoarding #1, Additions

I am an incredible pack rat, but (I hope) not entirely of useless things. When I shop--which, honestly, is not that often--it's typically for books, movies, or music; shopping for clothes usually depresses me beyond words and I'm not much of a have-a-lot-of-shoes kind of gal. I buy music (on CD) like it's candy, and I have been known to scour discount bins for gold nuggets whenever I get the chance. My bookshelves are seriously overflowing, as are the shelving units that are currently stuffed with my movies.

Some of what I've acquired recently:

Alisha and I went to Wal-Mart today just to look around. We roamed through the toy aisles, pushing buttons and picking stuff up. At one point, we even had the cliche lightsaber battle in one of the aisles. And I found this. 

I bought Season 2 on Tuesday (hooray!). Alisha found the folders and gave me a couple. School supplies are always welcome. As is Glee, one of the best pick-me-ups out there. 

These are the last books I will ever buy from Borders/Waldenbooks. When we walked in the local Waldenbooks a week ago, it was incredibly barren. They'd roped off half the store, and there were few books left in most of the genres. I walked around the store twice scouring their limited selection before I decided on these. It was much more emotional than I thought it would be; I am devastated Borders is closing, and I can't even begin to imagine what the future will bring to bookstores themselves. 

There is a Hastings in town, and I really like scouring what they have overall to see if there's anything that catches my eye. Cue these used books, which I was able to pick up for a decent price. I really like the different kind of selection Hastings provides; it gives a nice balance to the kind of selection the Dusty Bookshelf (our local used book store) and Waldenbooks had, at least until the recent going-out-of-business sale. I absolutely adore Maureen Johnson (her book, The Bermudez Triangle, is one I highly recommend), and I've read a book or two by Carolyn Mackler in high school and enjoyed them. I can't remember for sure if Vegan Virgin Valentine was one of them or not, but I know I at least knew about it, so I thought it would be worth it. 

On the same day as our lightsaber-wielding Wal-Mart trip, I found this Snoopy coloring book. It called to me. Thus, I bought a box of crayons for the first time in years.

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