Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Quick Thoughts, Glee 3x03, "Asian F"

More later, I promise, once I can seriously sit down and write my yay/nays for the first three eps, but her are some quick thoughts until then...

Spoilers ahoy!

  • Emma's parents and their "ginger supremacist" attitudes? OMG. 
  • Mercedes: I can understand....to a certain extent. But her attitude and the way she's going about stuff? I'm undecided as of yet....but I think she needs to calm down and eat some fruit. 
  • That being said, Amber Riley was INCREDIBLE this week. She's amazing. I got chills during "It's All Over". <3
  • ...And I am STOKED that we're seeing Mercedes-centered storylines. *happy dance*
  • RACHEL!!!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYY?! *cries*
  • Kurt and Blaine = tugging at my heartstrings and warm fuzzies every time.
  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE how it was Kurt giving Blaine the flowers. 
  • MIKECHANGMIKECHANGMIKECHANG. Why hasn't he gotten a solid storyline before now? He is quite the double threat. And that scene with his mother....
  • Coach Beiste. I think I love her more and more each time we see her. 
  • Brittany. Oh my goodness, Brittany. 
Now back to homework. 

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