Friday, August 19, 2011

Little Bits of Happiness

This week flew by much too quickly, leaving me thinking that today was Saturday and not Friday. My last year of undergrad starts in about two days, and with everything that I've been thinking about--so much thinking--in addition to everything that has happened in the last few months, I'm starting to feel a pressure building within my chest. I have this crazy feeling that I'm forgetting something important; my dreams have started reflecting this and other various school-related insecurities. This is how it usually starts.

And so, to quell the stress that is sure to set in, I'm making an extended pick-me-up list. I am determined to avoid what happened last year when I nearly lost my mind with everything that happened in and out of school. It's one attempt to keep my sanity, assuming things will be just as crazy. Below is the beginning of this list. I'll add to it as the year wears on.

1. Reading. Lots and lots of it, especially considering I've only had the chance to read a book and a half this summer.

2. "Uncharted" by Sara Bareilles. When I was pouring my heart out to my sister one night over the phone a few months ago, she suggested I listen to this song in hopes that I would find some sort of creative inspiration/comfort from everything that was going on. Since then it's been my go-to song for when things seem beyond overwhelming.

3. The Literary Snob. Indescribable beauty in so many respects. LOVE.

4. Drawing. Always.

5. Kurt doing "Single Ladies" in the "Preggers" episode of Glee. I will never, ever tire of it. (Sidenote: As good as the Glee 3D movie was, I was severely disappointed that "Single Ladies" didn't make the cut. Alas.)

6. The "Laryngitis" episode of Glee. It is my favorite episode from Season 1. Few words can accurately explain my adoration for this episode. It is incredible.

7. Any news concerning The Perks of Being a WallflowerStruck By Lightning, and The Hunger Games. All three are pretty much guaranteed to be amazing.

8. Waiting patiently for The Woman In Black. I'm not much for scary movies, but I will definitely be there to see this one.

9. Pottermore. I'm still waiting for my Welcome email. It will be worth the wait.

10. Harry Potter. As one last hurrah of summer before Monday, I'm going to see Deathly Hallows Part 2 again tomorrow night. A perfect end to an imperfect summer vacation.

11. Earl Grey tea. I am fairly sure we were made for one another.

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