Monday, November 21, 2011

Nanowrimo Attempt #3, Day 3 of Thanksgiving/Fall Break

This is the third year I've attempted Nanowrimo. I've never broken 4500 words. It's about a week and a half or so left 'til the end of November, and I only have 1845 words as of this moment. The goal is to have 50,000.

I think I knew by November 3, two days into working on my novel, that there was no way I'd finish before the end of November. What with major projects and quizzes to prepare for, and an essay for nonfiction, another for the same class to revise, and a literary analysis for my French lit class--in French--to write, I knew I'd be hard-pressed to get it done. There wouldn't be a lot of time to work with.

I'm not upset about it; well, maybe a little sad that I would have to wait yet another year until I had a little more time during the month of November to complete it. But that's reality.

I'm hoping to find a little time to work on it this week of break. Drawing stuff (something I've struggled a lot with this semester) will have to come first. I expect that I'll only have the chance to get about 2000 more words written before the end of the month. Whatever I don't finish, I will get done before the start of next semester.

I know people have written about Nanowrimo many times before, so excuse my possibly cliched ramblings for a moment. Writing a novel in 30 days is difficult, let alone writing one at all. There's so much planning and commitment that goes along with it. But I'm glad the challenge is there, because it's much easier to make excuses than to motivate yourself with the daunting challenge of 50,000 words is ahead of you. It's a boost to creativity, and I really appreciate what it does, and can do.

Anyway, I've been home since Saturday. So far I have:

  • Watched all but two episodes of American Horror Story right before bedtime, which is a really terrible idea on my part because it scares the bejeebers outta me. I've had really messed up dreams for the last two nights. (I don't do well with horror, period. And yet I subject myself to what people are calling the scariest show on TV.)
  • Started on my homework and my laundry. 
  • Proceeded to sleep in past 11am every day since Saturday (which is not good, since I really need to keep up with a normal sleep schedule.)
  • Talked with Dad about Snape and other various book-to-movie topics while watching DH Part 2.
  • Watched the amazing extras on the second disc of Part 2. As soon as finals are over, I think I'm probably going to watch the conversation with J.K. Rowling and Daniel Radcliffe over and over again until I have it memorized. It's so intriguing...
  • Went to see Breaking Dawn with my mom, who told me she was glad she didn't fall asleep during the movie. 
  • Caught up on New Girl, which is a hilarious show. I can't stop giggling while watching an episode. 
  • Watched Casper with my parents. 
  • Went about my business, walking around the house with my cat Naomi at my heels. She follows me everywhere, it seems. Not that I'm complaining. I missed her dearly. 

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