Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Reconsidering "Breaking Dawn Part 1"

So I went to see BD again with Heidi and Brandon. I hoped that with my initial hard-headedness out of the way, that I'd be able to look at the movie with as unbiased an opinion as possible. And the experience was a little better, so that's good.

I'm sure that Eclipse is still my favorite of all of the movies that have been released so far. BD didn't quite live up to the third one for me, but after giving it some thought and consideration, I think part 2 will be a likely contender if they treat it right. We'll see.

I don't like the score for Part 1. The soundtrack itself is awesome--they really know how to put together a killer soundtrack for the Twilight films, and they never disappoint--but I feel the same way about the score in this movie as I did for the first one. It just sounds off to me, and it's hard for me to explain.

I still really like the wedding and honeymoon on Isle Esme. The post-preggers realization half of the film is alright (and I'm feeling a lot better about it now than I was the first time). I am positive that my confusion with how they treated the Quileute storyline is a wish that they'd spent a little more time with it. I mean, I can't remember if there was much more with them in the book, but I felt like there was more time spent with the wolf side because we were able to dive into Jacob's POV. I still wish they'd included more of Leah's story in the movie, because it allows for more insight into the complications of these characters and the situations they are in. Leah's take on being a part of the pack is incredibly different from that of the others because she's one of (if not the only) woman to have the responsibility of being a wolf in the pack. (And isn't she unable to have children because of it? Or am I remembering wrong?) Even if they'd had more wolf telepathy....

And speaking of the wolf telepathy, I'm not a fan. Brandon used the term "cartoonish" to describe it, and I thought that was pretty accurate. I think it's the way they did the voices....I'm having a hard time trying to put it into words.

Leah, I thought, was awesome. I just wish she'd had more. Jasper didn't have a lot this time around either, and I wish he had more.

I've decided I don't mind the inside the body stuff. The graphics are really good, and I like how you can see the venom spread.

I still have a few logistical concerns about the story and plot lines, but they're minor and mostly relate to the book. I love the book to pieces, but it's not perfect.

The acting was really good this time around, and I feel the acting from everyone has improved with each movie.

How awesome was Maggie Grace as Irina? I realized tonight that, if I remember correctly, the Denali clan reappears again to help prepare for the arrival of the Volturi in the second half. I'm glad we get to see more of her. She's awesome.

I've had issues here and there throughout all of the Twilight movies with the screenwriting. It's so awkward sometimes, though definitely not all the time. I thought the first scene where Jacob sees Bella with child for the first time was that kind of moment for me in this film. I know it's probably pretty close to the book, but I wish it didn't come off so strange. Work with it a little. You know?

Emmett will always be awesome to me. He cracks me up so much.

I got really excited for part 2 when the movie ended this second viewing. I don't necessarily feel that part 1 can successfully stand on its own as a film, but I do feel that if they do part 2 right, they might be able to pull it off. It definitely feels like a part of something bigger--but it needs that other half to be fully appreciated. I think my favorite bit of the story is after Bella becomes a vampire, and the entire time through part 1 all I could think about was "Remember that time when Bella became a bamf vampire? That was a good time." I'm eager to see that side of her.

I'm still kind of on the fence with the movie as a whole, but I feeling better about it than I was.

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