Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chicken Soup for the Soul

I am a firm believer in Pick-Me-Ups. I don't think I would be able to function without them. They are the kind of things that are both freeing and stable enough for me to keep a hold of as things swing a little off-course. Harry Potter, a good book, anything by Sarah Dessen, Glee, old-school Disney, 80s movies...anything that will distract me from real-life for awhile.

This past weekend was one of those pick-me-ups. Brandi and Traci came to visit, and for two days, I was able to forget the fact I haven't had much sleep, or that I'm behind in Prints, or that emotional stresses are proving to test my motivation. 

Last night, before going to the bars, we hung out at a friend of Traci's house. We sat on the screen porch overlooking their backyard, just talking and drinking, playing Washers and that frisbee-and-bottle-on-a-pole game. Brandi, Traci, and their friend Morgan shared stories from old roommates, strange acquaintances, and past drinking experiences. Brandi and I reminisced about our favorite memories from the Little Apple, and talked about everything that had been going on since the last time we'd seen each other. I can't seem to explain the feeling of peace I felt, sitting there relaxing with friends, and later, dancing the night away with the three of them, without a care in the world, even if only for a few hours. 

Exciting things always happen when Brandi and Traci are here. Perhaps it's because I didn't get out much in high school...but I genuinely love hanging out with them. There are no set plans, we always have a good time, and it's always a little different than the last. Mostly, though, and more importantly, is that they are good people, and it doesn't matter what we do, because they are some of my best friends. Just being is enough to forget about a lousy day, to talk through the things that are getting us down, or to immerse ourselves in the stories we tell. These are the moments I look forward to, and I cherish every one of them. 

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