Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yay/Nay of Glee, 02x17, "A Night of Neglect"

This week's Glee was not my favorite, but it was still pretty decent. I liked it. A lot. I felt it was a little lighter on everything, but, like the Superbowl episode, there has to be some kind of buffer--or at least there has to be some fun stuff mixed in with the epic and heavy (something that's needed or we'd all go crazy--see the state of Vampire Diaries right now...but this is not the time or place for a discussion about that).

On to the Yay/Nay.

Yay: The Scholastic Decathlon (mini) storyline. This was great. I love that Glee allows us to see the glee kids outside the choir room once and awhile. Brittany as their secret weapon? The groups special handshake? Good on ya, mate. (Sidenote: Mike's dance = JOY). :D 

Nay: Was it just me, or did there seem to be some jumpiness to the flow of the episode? Maybe I'm a sucker for play-by-play storyline, but there were a few moments I felt were rushed. Perhaps I just imagined it. Anyhoo, these moments were fewer than three, so I'm not too concerned. 

Yay: The Legion of Doom. I think Sandy's Pink Dagger outfit was the best surprise since Finn's Gaga outfit in Season 1. Perhaps not as epic as the shower-curtain dress, but just as funny/awesome.

Yay: ...Which leads me to the cliff-hanger with Terri. Nicely played, Glee. Sneaky. 

Nay: Holly Holiday was, as always, awesome in this episode, but I missed the super fun side she had in "Sexy". It was nice, however, to see Holly serious. Again, this episode gave a really nice balance to everything.

Nay: It makes me sad when we don't get to see a lot of Kurt in an episode. That's just me, though. Kurt's my favorite character. 

Yay: ...but I LOVED the scene where Kurt is showing Blaine the school, and Blaine notices Kurt's homesickness for McKinley, and then Karofsky shows up, and then SANTANA IS BADASS. 

Yay: Santana was AWESOME this week. 

Yay: Mercedes' tribute to Aretha Franklin was fabulous. She rocks. Also, I loved how she and Lauren teamed up (and the final talk Mercedes has with Rachel). AWESOME.  (She's also one of my favorites. She needs more story....)

Yay: The Night of Neglect was freakin' cool. Don't let the hecklers get you down, New Directions. They're just jealous. 

There's a lot more to this episode, but those above are the things that stuck out the most to me. I think it was nice to see this episode a little lighter since the previous two--"Sexy" and "Original Song"--were both very bold and heavy with awesomeness and character development and storyline. Next week, too, looks pretty important in terms of 1) awesomeness, 2) storyline, 3) general bad-ass-ery 4) etc. This episode, I think, does a really nice job providing something a little different, but also allowing for a breather. 

I'm really excited for next week's episode. Plus, according to the promo, KURT'S BACK AT WMHS!! Oh frapjous day!!! That should be Blaine's cue to follow. :)

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