Saturday, January 28, 2012

Keats and Various Drawing Things

The last two weeks have been really interesting. Classes are going well so far; I am taking my last advanced drawing class, intro to illustration, a BFA exhibition class, and Advanced Creative Writing fiction. I'm really excited for what this semester is going to bring, but the stresses of the incoming BFA show have really started to creep into my system and suddenly everything seems so much more daunting than I thought they would be. 

This uncertainty and (since we're being honest here) absolute terror aside, I've been trying to gather my thoughts for my drawing thesis. One of the inspirations that I will be studying/looking to in my research is John Keats,* one of my favorite poets. Thus, I went looking for a collection of his poetry so I could read a little more not only for my own interests, but also for the research for my thesis and artist statement.

Look at that gorgeous! I think it's a still from the movie about Fanny Brawne, Bright Star.** 

This is a collection of letters Keats wrote to Fanny Brawne. I might have to wait to read it around Valentine's Day--appropriate, I think. 

There's just something so intricate and beautiful about the way Keats uses words. I can't get over it. But, more another time. Tonight's goal is to get some serious drawing done. 

*I'm also really interested in the things W.B. Yeats explores in his poetry. I won't go into too much detail now. I'm still trying to gather my thoughts. Perhaps another time.

**I highly recommend it. It's such a beautiful story, and the movie is wonderful. 

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I seriously love your drawings and how you relate them and your ideas to poetry. I am so excited to see what you make this semester! I know that no matter what happens, your work and show will be amazing. :)
