Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutions for 2012

When I sit down to write out my resolutions, I tend to look over the previous year's to construct the new list, adding things here and there. Thus.

  1. Control the amount of money I spend on music. Last year I resolved to not buy any more music until I had every Beatles album, and I failed miserably. I think it might be a good idea to stick to that same resolution again. No other music until I have completed my Beatles discography. 
  2. By the end of 2012, I have to have gone through everything I own--both at home and in the Tiny Blue Room--and gotten rid of all that I don't need any more. Clothes should be taken to Goodwill or Habitat for Humanity, books should be taken to The Dusty Bookshelf, and music and movies should be taken to somewhere that will take them and sell them again. I've been too lax in the control of my hoarding, and I need to buckle down. A massive "spring cleaning" is needed. 
  3. Better scheduling and following of deadlines. This is one of the things I have the most trouble with. 
  4. Journal/freewrite/write everyday, even if it's only 15 minutes. 
  5. Finish writing the novel I started for Nanowrimo 2011. 
  6. Complete Nanowrimo 2012 in November.
  7. Budget better so that I can start saving a little money. 
  8. Try to cut down on the amount of pointless internet surfing that I do. 
  9. Get applications for grad school sent out. Take the time to go through picking schools to apply to. 
  10. Organize my music, books, and artwork.
  11. Make more work, and try to work through any artistic block that may arise. 
  12. Try not to get so angry with my roommates...because that was another huge problem for me last year.
  13. Professionalize my wardrobe so that I'm ready for the upcoming changes that will accompany my upcoming graduation. 
  14. As my sister pointed out to me, I need to allow myself more time to relax and de-stress. 

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