Thursday, July 14, 2011

Let the Records Show

...that tonight, hours away from the very last Potter release, I still have no clue what to wear to the midnight showing.

Seriously. This is why I'm in this mindstate. What with:

  1. The recent confirmation that Kurt's last season on Glee is Season 3 (NOOOOOOOOOO!!) 
  2. My work schedule for next week being utterly crazy-cakes (i.e. ANNOYING)
  3. Work itself (I want back at the Derb ASAP)
  4. I haven't spent more than four days at home since Christmas.
  5. Packing and moving over the next three weeks or so, complete with all its confusion, annoyances, and stress-inducing situations, and
  6. Oh yeah, and the fact that after the credits start rolling tonight, my childhood, my adolescence, will have come to a close. I will wake up tomorrow morning and things will feel different. They will BE different. 

Too much emotion right now. With the distress and stress and excitement and every other emotion coursing through my veins right now, I am surprised I haven't imploded yet.

But even with all this, I am so very excited. I will cheer, I will cry when appropriate. Bring it on, Seth Childs. Now to figure out what to wear....

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