Saturday, June 11, 2011

Deleted Scenes for DH Part 1

With the exception of maybe Prisoner of Azkaban, I have a firm belief that at least on of the deleted scenes for each of the Harry Potter films should have been included in the final cut. I don't have a lot of quips when it comes to Deathly Hallows Part 1, because there's still a whole half of the film to see, but there are a few of the deleted scenes I really wish they'd included in the movie. 

The Petunia/Harry scene is a given (Prince's Tale, anyone?). That should have been there. Somewhere. I don't care where. But also, I really, really wanted the skipping stones scene to be included. 

Reasons This Scene Should Have Been Included in the Final Cut:
  • This would have contributed positively to the emotions felt when Ron leaves later.
  • It's incredibly adorable to watch Hermione pretend like she doesn't know what the hell she's doing. (And it's very Hermione of her to let Ron show her how to do something she probably already knows.)
  • You see a glimpse of Aberforth, which is crucial for setting up for Part 2.*
  • It's a nice pause moment, much like the one earlier in the film of Hermione teaching Ron how to play Fur Elise on the piano. (I mean, overall, both scenes serve basically the same function, but I'm selfish.)
  • I'm a Ron/Hermione shipper, and any moment of them building up to their relationship is like candy to me. Plus, it's another excuse to poke Heidi and Prairie, who are Harry/Hermione shippers. :) **

 And then there's the tent discussion.

  • Ron mentions the taboo, which would help explain why the Snatchers suddenly show up at the Lovegoods (because Xeno says the name).
  • It actually explains a LOT about the particulars of being on the run. Without it, those who haven't read the books will be confused as to why things happen as they do. 
  • Harry lists the horcruxes they know about at that point. That's also important for Part 2.***
  • I also really, really like the mention of the locket's heartbeat. But that's just me. 

*They really, really need to explain the mirror well. As of Part 1, there is no explanation for why Harry is carrying it around--and sufficiently OBSESSED with it, and I want them to be able to make up for the fact that it was never explained in OotP...

**Have you seen this R/Hr fanvideo? A friend of mine posted it shortly after Part 1 came out, and it popped up on my newsfeed, and since then I've been very near obsessed with it. 

***Also, I'm curious how they have the trio find out about the cup and the diadem. You know, since Dumbledore never gave any info about them to Harry in the HBP film. 

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