Thursday, June 16, 2011

Something's going on in Potter World....

And honestly, it's been a long time since I've felt this oh so special right-before-a-Jo-Rowling-Announcement-of-Awesome. You know, the ones right before a title or release date was announced, or even the W.O.M.B.A.T.s, behind the door on her website. The hint of mystery, the theories, the act of just trying to figure out the puzzle, all seemed to fit into this place I cannot fully describe to you with the justice it deserves.

Cue Pottermore, which evidently won't be released for another 6 days (!!!). And then there is this interesting developmentLeaky, too, has gathered bits o' speculation/facts that sum up the general feeling of excitement/intrigue.

It is almost like we've used a Time Turner to go back to when we were dissecting possible meanings of character names and titles and whatever other bits of information we knew. I say "almost," because while this is a huge thing, it won't ever be able to replicate the feeling of not knowing the end of the series. The feeling of being on the verge of knowing.

It will, and is already, however, creating a very different feeling of anticipation and excitement. It's a new world for the fandom. Whatever Pottermore is, it's going to be huge. And we're ready to dive right back in.

Jo Rowling, you are amazing. I, and the rest of the world, cannot wait to see what's next. :)

Also: Go to the YouTube page and just wave your mouse over the tree and the owls. Seriously. *is awed, amazed, excited, and lasdfjalsglaskdgj*

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