Friday, June 17, 2011

Before and After

The last time I had my hair super short was when I was in 2nd grade. So when I was frustrated with my semi-long, still-growing-out-the-color, and I knew that I wanted to eventually grow it out super long to donate it to Locks of Love, the logical option seemed to be for me to get it cut super short for a fresh start, and just let it grow.

This morning I went to (literally) the closest salon to my apartment. I brought in these for ideas, because I loved the look of the styles*, and I was insanely curious about what I would look like with something similar. It was also incredibly different from what I'd had in the past.

I told the hairdresser my plan, explaining that while I brought these in, I was aware that these cuts may not be the best for my face shape (and let's face it, my hair does not want to cooperate with anything it doesn't like, which usually is everything I tried to do with it). At first, the hairdresser said the longer style would be the better option, because I need "volume on the sides because your face is so long."

As she was washing my hair, however, she said, "It is really hard to grow out short hair."

I asked her why, and she explained it was mostly due to that crazy, awkward middle-stage where it looks odd and all sorts of other things go wrong in the world (that last bit was an over-exaggeration; she didn't say that exactly, but I felt like she was making it out to be a big travesty...).

"How about we try a just-above-the-shoulder cut--just to see how you feel about it--with maybe bangs? If you don't like it, then you can always go shorter. I'm worried that you'll be upset if it's too short."

She had a point; it wouldn't hurt to ease myself into it. I agreed to do it, and she began cutting. We opted for no in regard to the bangs, because we both felt it was working well as it was. Here is the finished product:

I was really pleased with it. It's definitely something that I haven't yet tried, and I feel it's very sophisticated and "grown-up"--something I need to be considering since I'm a year from graduation. (Plus, it reminds me vaguely of a Cilla Black style, which is good). It was a nice surprise. The only thing I have with it, though, is that I wanted to take a risk. I honestly wanted to see what it would look like that short, having to deal with the the success or the failure, whichever it was. I can understand the concern with the weird in-between stage....but I feel like I can work through that, look beyond the fear how bad it may look, and embrace it. After all, that that time between before and after is just as important--and makes things interesting. You know?

The worst thing about it, though, is that it won't ever look this nice after I wash it next. I can't ever achieve the same kind of styling awesome as the hairdressers. The One-Day-Hair-Awesome is short-lived.

*You know how much I love Emma Watson? I feel the same way about Mandy Moore. She is one of my heroes. SHE. IS. AWESOME.

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