Tuesday, June 7, 2011

FYA Strikes Again

Have I mentioned how much I love Forever Young Adult? I know I haven't posted a lot about it thus far, but rest assured I will tell you more as time goes on. They're kind of my heroes.

Anyway, they posted a clever, witty, and totally awesome response to an article that was recently published in the Wall Street Journal misinterpreting the way YA as a whole works. It is awesome (the rebuttal, not the original criticisms), and I agree with their assessment of how the WSJ handled the argument.

Slightly related: FYA has also posted their analysis of the new Breaking Dawn trailer (which was AWFUL, by the way, but made me laugh my butt off because not only did they show sexy times on Isle Esme, but also teased at pregnant Bella. HAHAHAHA). The analysis is hilarious. I love FYA so much.

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