Friday, May 6, 2011

Yay/Nay for Glee 02x19, “Rumours”

I am a tad later than I had wanted to be with this, but better late than never! This week's episode was pretty mellow in terms of action, but there was a lot of great, heavy character stuff. 

As always, spoilers ahead.

Yay: Artie's conversation with Brittany. Great character moments for both of them, and I kinda felt a punch in the gut when Artie asks, "God, Brittany, why are you so stupid?" 

Yay: The scene at the beginning of the episode, when Finn and Santana call out Sam and Brittany, respectively. I thought the acting was really strong here, and the tension high (and it successfully carries out throughout the rest of episode).

Yay: The music this week was wonderful; it melded fabulously with the plot and helped make the episode brilliantly cohesive. I'm not too familiar with Fleetwood Mac, so this was the first time I'd heard at least half of them. (I think I'll slip into Hastings one of these days and get the original album. Really great stuff.) My favorite was Artie's solo, the one with all the acoustic guitars. Well chosen, Glee. I like the idea of basing an episode off an album. If they decide to do this kind of thing again, and it's as good as this was, I'm all for it. 

Yay: Gaaaaaaaaahhhhhh Quinn's attitude this week. I don't necessarily agree with her reasons and her bitchery, but I really like how she has fleshed out as a character since the beginning of this season, where she seemed so...unQuinn-like. I love how tangible her frustration, etc. was during the episode.

Nay: That look of sadness/indecision/general [insert grand emotion here] that Mr. Schue had on his face when New Directions were performing the last song. It made me nervous. I want to know what he was thinking....

Yay: There's a reason Finn and Rachel are such a good team. I love that it was both of them, together, going to talk to Sam at the end of the episode. (Yay co-captainship!)

Nay: Finn and Quinn singing together. There is also a reason for this. There's a lack of spark. (I did like how there was tension during the song, however.) 

Yay: Finn and Quinn's relationship. Is it me, or do we see some serious unhinging? 

Yay: Lord Tubbington's debut on Fondue For Two. He is ridiculously awesome. 

Yay: Sue Sylvester as David Bowie and Anne Coulter.

Nay: Can we please have more Mercedes? I feel like we've been deprived of her for ages....

Yay: Thank you, Glee, for having more on Sam. And it was an awesome story line (cool points go to Sam, Kurt, and Quinn for Being Awesome). 

Yay: All the stuff with Santana. Awesome times a billion. 

There's more, tons more that was awesome about this episode. I loved the fact everything was so smooth: the story flowed well, the characters were in tune with one another, the tension and feeling that everything would collapse at any moment....I found myself caught up in the drama, the lies, the rumors....strong episode. As for next week,  it's Prom! *pulls out dancing shoes*

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