Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yay/Nay for Glee 02x22, “New York”

Watching "New York," I had a hard time believing that this was the finale to the season that started with Mr. Schue singing along with "Toxic" (this is the only scene ever in Glee where I have to look away) and odd things like promise rings and inappropriate/unnecessary side plots that led nowhere. But yet this episode celebrated more than just New Directions' stellar efforts in past competitions and hard work: it celebrated how far each of them has come in the time since they joined glee club. Kurt begins the episode reminiscing about their humble beginnings, and in that moment it hits you how far they have come. It is wonderful.

This episode was awesome. As always, spoilers ahead.

Yay: "Hey, do you know why it smells like it's wet here all the time?" and "Most of the other teams split by sexual orientation." I was in stitches. Have I mentioned how much I love the writing of this show??

Yay  (something you may not have noticed the first time through): Brittany's one-liners. Responding to Kurt's "I feel like Eloise.": "I have pills for that."; "And I'm going to be anxiously awaiting just like everyone else to see if their babies are Asian, too."; In response to "You're my best friend": "Yeah, me too."

Nay: The kids' lack of preparation until they actually are in New York. I mean, I guess it makes sense as they are at their best when they're loose. Still. I would be freaking out a little if I weren't prepared for a competition that was DAYS AWAY.

Yay: The juxtaposition of the happenings the boys' room to those in the girls' room. Also? The pillow fight and the fact that Kurt was a part of it. *fist pump*

Yay: Dreaming big. From Rachel in Sardi's to New Directions' attempt to gain inspiration from the city to that beautiful scene in which Kurt and Rachel visit the Wicked theater, we see these wide-eyed teenagers from Ohio getting a taste of a kind of life that Ohio is unable to match, see everything they dream of possible. They can be whatever they want. This is exhibited beautifully when Kurt is telling Blaine all the reasons he's not totally upset about ultimately losing. In comparison to what they know from life in a small midwestern town, New York is one one that allows them to achieve their dreams.

Yay: Rachel and Kurt's friendship. My favorite part of the episode is that of their adventure through the city. I LOVED that they did breakfast at Tiffany's. I LOVED that Rachel's final motivation for talking to Patti LuPone was because Kurt would want her to. I LOVED that Kurt insisted they break into the theater. I LOVED their duet from Wicked--hands down the best song of the episode. I LOVED how Kurt encouraged Rachel to make a choice through song. And I LOVED their discussion about the future. They are both dreamers, highly talented, and they have an incredible understanding of each other that the others will never be able to match. There's just something about their friendship...."For Good" is marvelous. I clapped at the end of the sequence because it was so amazing. Thank you, Glee.

Yay: All the references to romantic comedies as Finn and Rachel make their way through the city. Funny and wonderful all at the same time.

Yay: Finn and Rachel. It took freakin' forever, and not without a lot of trouble, but FINALLY... I was exhausted from all the build-up. (I was rooting for Finn all the while Rachel was being difficult. I'm glad she finally came around.)

Question: Does Quinn really know that Santana's a lesbian? Or does she just know about the rumor but no confirmation? I couldn't tell if her "I'm flattered" comment was meant as a joke or if it was because she knows...

Yay: The scene with Quinn's breakdown was very good. Great acting from all three of them.

Yay: Rachel and Sunshine resolving their issues. I'm so glad Rachel is growing up. Great character development for her.

Yay: While it was heartbreaking to see New Directions lose--it upset me to no end--I appreciated the fact they didn't win quite yet. You know what I mean? Glee puts a lot of focus on the journey, and as cheesy as that sounds, as viewers we are drawn to the events that lead up to a big moment. I love that the writers aren't afraid to have them lose. It makes it so much more worthwhile if it goes the other way. If New Directions make it to Nationals again next season (and I'm really hoping they do), it will make it even more exciting if they place first at nationals. It's also realistic; they were up against 50 other schools, and they placed 12th. That's pretty impressive if you ask me. I can't wait to see what they have up their sleeves next season as they make their way toward nationals. And they will win. They have to.

Yay: "Light Up the World" was excellent. I like "Loser Like Me" a little better--I feel it has a little more 'oomph'--but "Light" is quality. It's almost a fusion of the things the glee club has had to overcome over the season: speaking up, perseverance despite whatever may be in your way or if you are unsure of yourself, being who you are rather than what someone else may want you to be and so on. And that mentality worked, didn't it? They made it to Nationals. Also, I loved how there were multiple solos on the song. Strong way to go out.

Yay: "It was the Superman of kisses. It came with its own cape." LOL. Finn is awesome this week.

Yay: Kurt and Blaine and "I love you." JOY!!!! HAPPINESS!!! Such a beautiful moment. No words can describe how happy I am. (cue happy dance) "You know, when you stop and think about it, Kurt Hummel has had a pretty good year." Yes you have indeed, Kurt, and I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!

Yay: I also loved the bit leading up to that and after with Kurt telling Blaine about the aftermath of the competition, complete with flashback of Santana chewing Rachel out in Spanish. Also, when Kurt is talking about the Pippa Middleton musical, and Blaine gives Sam and Mercedes that "He's so silly" look. Slightly related: I'm glad that Mercedes was sporting a shirt from the competition.

Yay: HOORAY FOR SAM AND MERCEDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JOY! HAPPINESS! Not a minute after cheering for Kurt and Blaine's beautiful moment was I cheering again because Mercedes had someone to love. I'm fairly sure that the last eight minutes of this episode put me on cloud nine. The only thing I don't understand is why Sam and Mercedes are being so secretive about it. Why not tell the world??

Yay: Brittany's bit of wisdom in her conversation with Santana.

Yay/Nay: Talks of the future. It makes me sad to think of graduation, but I loved how it was hovering over the end of the episode. Definitely a different kind of feeling.

It's going to be a long wait for Season 3. But it will be worth it.

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