Sunday, May 15, 2011

The End of Another Semester

The last two weeks have been a blur; my concentration started waning at the end of April, and since then it has been hard to focus on anything. I was tired of thinking so hard about everything--only because I have the tendency to over-think everything. A combination of drawing-related distress over concept and imagery mixed with general exhaustion and an abnormal schedule was too much to deal with at times, and I was worried that it would ruin my desire to continue with my double major. I was tired of dealing with my indecision and lack of motivation, eager to find a way to meld my love for writing and drawing together in a way that did not follow the expected path, and in such a way that I could grow. I don't remember ever being this lost and upset when it came to school. But that was then, and I made it out of this stressful year alive. In retrospect, I realize that I might have been a tad harsh on myself. I still have time to figure this out. I can only get to the finish line after making the journey, and I have a lot of growing and experimenting yet to go. Next year will be better. I know it. 

Last weekend, Alisha and I had the great pleasure to attend the Digitour 2011 in Lawrence, where we met various members of StarKidPotter, the very talented people behind the genius that is "A Very Potter Musical" and the shows that followed it. The thing I loved about being there was the sense of nerdish freedom and fun that surrounded us. All of the performers, including Dave Days, Nice Peter, etc, were 'regular people' who enjoyed sharing their own kind of awesome with the rest of the world. And granted, it was worth every minute to see StarKid, but it was super awesome to see everyone else as well. I loved every moment of it. It's hard to fully describe the feeling of joy we had during those 6 hours+. And as cliche as it may sound, unforgettable. 

Since finishing up with finals and such on Friday, I've been at home spending time with family. Yesterday was my cousin Brad's wedding, and it was beautiful. He looked quite dapper, and Jessica, his fiancee (now wife, hooray!), looked beautiful. Weddings always make me cry, and yesterday was no different. When Jess made her way down the aisle, when she and Brad exchanged vows....everything about it sent me into a fit of emotion. I'm so glad I was able to be there. Another plus of the day was definitely spending time with my mom's side of the family, something I hadn't been able to do since Christmas. I missed them so much; their humor and love and everything I love about them enveloped the day completely. I was very sad when Dad and I had to head back to Kansas. 

It's been a good couple of days. I need days like this, days in which I can simply be and spend time with family, handling things as they come instead of being on a tight schedule. At this moment, Dad and I are watching Deathly Hallows Part 1, as is our Watching-Harry-Potter-when-I-am-home tradition. It's been weird the last few days--it hasn't really sunk it that it's officially summer vacation, and I'm not really surprised because the first of my two summer classes starts tomorrow. And though I have to head back to school in the next few hours, at this moment, everything feels right with the world. In the last two days, I've had the chance to see my sister and meet her boyfriend (of whom I approve); caught up with my mom, filling her in on everything that has happened in the last month; talked music, life, and memories with my dad; seen and celebrated with my cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents; cuddled with my cats Angus and Naomi; and immersed myself in the Tale of the Three Brothers, hanging out with my dad. Simplicity, serenity. Things are pretty good at the moment. 

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