Friday, May 13, 2011

Yay/Nay for Glee 02x20, “Prom Queen”

Words cannot fully describe the power this week's episode held, the kind of power in the same vein as "Born This Way" but on a smaller scale. Major kudos to the creators; it was as flawed as any of the other episode, but boy, was it packed with a fire only character and plot development can ignite. This week's episode I felt was on par with "Born This Way", "Laryngitis", "Wheels", etc. This is definitely one of my favorites of the season, and an extremely important episode overall.

Nay: The pacing was a little funky at the very beginning. The choppiness didn't last very long, however. I felt the last half of the episode flowed very well once they'd set everything up. It just took awhile.

Yay: Sue's Going-Away gift for Mr. Schue. It sent me into a fit of giggles for a long time. Also the punch bowl story.

Yay: Mercedes, Sam, and Rachel's Prom-On-A-Budget. LOVE. That's how it's done. And I think it's true to how prom is treated in the Midwest. (Or close to it, anyway. It's awesome to get creative, and all three of them looked great.)

Yay: The Prom Gown Dry Run. This scene was hilarious. e. g. "Go with God, Satan--Santana."

Yay: Have I mentioned how much I love it when they show the students in other classes and such? I thought the home economics scene was one of the best of the episode. It was funny, it was sweet....and the acting was really strong. I'm also pleased, though it made me feel very sad for Artie, that Brittany called him out for what he did to her. This shows us a lot about Brittany's character.

Yay: The music this week. Every song was seamless, integrated perfectly into the flow of the episode, and so much was said beyond the action, lyrics and lines that bookended them. Nicely done. (Especially "Jar of Hearts" and "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You." LOVE the tension from Finn's jealousy.)

Yay: The scene at Kurt and Finn's house. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. Kurt's prom outfit? Wonderful. I'm glad he was defiant about wearing it, because it is awesome and he has every right to wear it. One thing I've been thinking about since watching the episode on Tuesday: I understand the concern that Burt had and that Blaine seconded about Kurt's desire to be himself at prom, because people can be cruel. But it really sucks that Kurt would have to consider not being himself in order to "please" the general face of society. (More on this later.) Anyway, this scene was another really strong one.

Yay: Karofsky. This is what I'm talking about when I talk about how awesomely three dimensional the characters are.

(Kind of) Nay: Jesse's back, and he's still an ass. (I love Jonathan Groff--and he plays Jesse so well.)

Not sure whether to count this as a Yay or Nay: Rebecca Black's "Friday". Personally, I HATE the song. But honestly, I didn't really think much about it when watching it because at prom, no one really cares what's playing. I remember from the proms I went to that I didn't mind if they played a song I didn't like. I'd either sit down for it, or sing along anyway, because no one cared that it was bad. They recognized it and if they could dance to it, that's all that mattered. And really, it DOES NOT MATTER if it was on Glee or not. It's just a song, it's part of pop culture, and it does not have much effect on the episode either way.

Yay: Kurt and Blaine this episode. Blaine's Sadie Hawkins' story was heart-wrenching. And Kurt's excitement and naivety about Prom was both wonderful and made me hate even more how everyone nearly ruined it for him. But the grand moment in which Blaine, who had been so concerned for their safety, stepped forward and asked Kurt to dance was beautiful. I love Deconstructing Glee's thoughts on this and Kurt's speech right before he returns to the gym. Good on ya, Kurt and Blaine. You deserve a slow dance together, all the time, forever.

Yay: YAY MERCEDES HAD A GOOD PROM!!! (Now, let's see more storylines for her!)

Yay/Nay on the real-life situation: Kurt as the elected Prom Queen. This is something I'd like to write on further, because there are a lot of important things this plot point addresses. (Deconstructing Glee makes a lot of good points about this as well, though I agree to disagree on some.) I thought they handled this really, really well. The look on Kurt's face, that one bastard who cheered, the hateful looks, the other bastard who slow clapped....hugely, hugely powerful. Chris Colfer is a brilliant actor, and the scene in the hallway between Blaine and Kurt is my favorite from this episode. The thing that kills me is that this is something that could really happen, and I'm sure has in some form. It breaks my heart to think of anyone being harassed or teased for being themselves, looking or thinking a certain way, or for being "different." And I get angry when it comes to close-minded people making assumptions about others who challenge the norm. In elementary through early high school, I was teased for being fat, etc., and I hated when my friends were looked down upon for anything that the general public deemed unworthy. The example of the homophobia that Kurt faces on a daily basis gets my blood boiling because he--or anyone for that matter--should not have to be discriminated against because of who they're attracted to, or what they believe, or the color of their skin, or anything that makes them unique. But society will work as it does, and as Kurt points out: "...All that hate: they were just afraid to say it out loud. So they did it by secret ballot." It's awful what people can do, but I am so, so glad that Glee is addressing it. And they have handled it brilliantly in all forms, whether it was simply a slushie facial or something as cruel as WMHS's display of homophobia. This is important stuff, here: our lives, who we are, are reflected in the stories these characters have to tell.

Yay: The immediate aftermath of the Prom Queen announcement. Brilliantly presented, Glee. Brittany's speech to Santana. I also love how Quinn apologizes to Rachel after she slaps her.

Nay: Did anyone else feel that Sue's attempt to keep Artie as a POW was slightly anticlimactic? I mean, it was hilarious, but....

Yay: "...that they can't touch me. That they can't touch us, or what we have." and "Eat your heart out, Kate Middleton." I cheered. Kudos to Kurt. That'll show them.

Yay: The final number, "Dancing Queen". Such a great ending. First with Kurt and Blaine dancing, then everyone else joining in, all lost in the moment of joy, and the final montage of prom pictures....Brilliant, Glee. I love it.

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