Friday, May 20, 2011

Yay/Nay for Glee 02x21, “Funeral”

This week's episode was good. There were a few problems with it, but once again, Glee gives us a balance of heartfelt storytelling with the nonsense and humor it's known for. Also, I have a confession. I full-out cried watching it. It was the first time I'd cried watching the show; I get emotional watching any of the episodes, and I've teared up, had a lump in my throat, felt happiness, elation, the pang of anger and despair, etc...but this was the first time that I actually shed tears. It was nowhere near the "reading-the-last-hundred-pages-of-Deathly-Hallows" kind of cry--but still. It was unexpected. I knew I was going to be sad, but I didn't expect this.

As always, beware of spoilers.

Yay: Jesse is such an ASS this week. It's wonderful/annoying/entertaining. I love the way he's written. So freaking clever!!

Yay:...and that includes his preoccupation with treating the auditions as a reality TV show. Hilarious. *claps*

Yay: "...Maybe you could come on Fondue for Two and judge my cat." LOL

Yay: Sue this week. No words. Jane Lynch is AMAZING.

Yay: The return of Rachel's signature star! I've missed it so. Also, slightly unrelated: Mr. Schue's vests. IT NEVER OCCURRED TO ME HOW MANY HE HAS.

Yay: Finn taking lead with Kurt and encouraging the others to help Sue out. Finn's a born leader. (And he makes a lot of good points this week. Good for you, Finn. Don't let Jesse's zombie poop comment break you.)

Nay: WHY is Mr. Schue actually going to be in April's show? (This is just me frustrated because he hasn't told New Directions/lied to them about it.)

Yay: The funeral. Oh man. I'm pretty sure that when they open the doors and we see all those people, and the decorations, I was already crying. The heartbreak was palpable. Beautiful...

Yay:...and the Best Song of the week is "Pure Imagination," hands down.

Yay: The auditions. Rachel, Santana, Mercedes, and Kurt all nailed their respective songs. Man oh man, were they good. Rachel's and Mercedes' performances were especially breathtaking. I also loved the fact that each of the songs matched up perfectly with the characters (I'm pretty sure that Kurt singing songs from Gypsy is the greatest thing since sliced bread).

Yay: Did anyone else notice that ridiculously adorable cat picture Jesse drew during Santana's performance?

Nay: What happened to the Finn/Quinn discussion post-funeral? It is SO GOOD until after Finn asks if Quinn if she feels anything, and then it seems to evaporate. You know? (Or am I still in that post-semester haze and/or crazy?)

Yay: ...but I do like how much tension there was in the scene. And I'm glad Finn broke up with her. All Quinn cares about is being prom queen (but I love how her character is obsessed with the idea).

Yay: "Correction: you had feelings for him, he made breakfast on your head."/Sue's Herman and Eddie Munster comment. Best. Lines. This. Episode.

Nay: At the end of the episode, Finn tells Quinn that he's glad she didn't quit glee club. The problem is, she had never mentioned she was thinking about quitting in the first place. (The clip was in the promo, but nowhere to be found in the actual episode.)

Yay: I LOVE when Mercedes drags the mic off stage with her as she storms off after her audition.

Yay: The scene in the nursing home. Again, no words.

Yay: Becky's back on the Cheerios! This was also a great scene.

Yay/Nay/Inbetween: I don't think Sue will ever completely stop trying to bring down the glee club, but I really like the conversation she has with Mr. Schue at the end of the episode. (I also have a theory that Terri will be back despite her apparent move to Florida.)

Nay: POOR FINN! Not cool, Rachel, not cool.

Yay: Perfect way to end the penultimate episode of season 2: Quinn's cryptic promise.

Is it Tuesday yet?

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